10 Reasons to Be Careful with Cheap Domain Registration

Everyone wants to save a few bucks when buying domain names if they can. For some domains the difference could even be tens of dollars, or hundreds. So why not go for the cheapest option? After all, domain registration sites are all the same, aren’t they? No, they’re not. This article explains why it’s important … Read more

What Should I Name My Domain?

Everyone wants to get the perfect domain name for their website. It’s a decision that will stay with you for a long time, so you better get it right.  Although it’s possible to change your site or blog’s domain, it could be a tricky process so it’s best tp avoid it if possible. So choose … Read more

Do iOS and Android Apps Need a Domain Name?

Although mobile applications don’t technically need a website to operate and serve customers, it is essential for them — or the business behind them — to have a domain name that is associated with the app. In this article, we take a look at why a domain is needed, what it’s used for, whether it … Read more

Is Domain Name Whois Privacy Protection Really Necessary?

When you’re registering a domain name, one of the choices you need to make is whether to buy the domain whois privacy protection add-on. Domain registrars often promote the service with alarming words like privacy, protection, security, identity theft etc. But is it worth paying an extra $10 per year to hide your contact details, … Read more

Dangers of Using Reported Domain Sales to Value Domains

Domain name investors normally think their domains are worth a lot more than they actually are. While there’s a fair share of delusional owners who value their domains by plucking some astronomical figure out of thin air, even the ones who use a reasoned approach end up with overly bullish valuations. A common approach to … Read more

Should I Use a Country specific Domain Extension?

Every country has a country code top level domain (ccTLD) that’s supposed to be used for websites targeting users in that country. If you’ve got a site that’s only applicable to the local market, a country focused domain may be a good choice. But what if you’ve got a blog that welcomes readers from where … Read more

Are .io Domains Any Good?

Did you just come across the .io domain name extension and are wondering what it’s all about? This relatively unknown domain ending has grown in popularity as more and more tech startups have used it as their site/app’s domain name. Prices have soared as decent single word .io domains have sold for thousands, and even … Read more

How to Acquire your Startup’s .com Domain Name

To get the right domain name that will be a key asset to help your startup, you need to understand the importance of domains and the role they play.  Only then will you appreciate their value, and why they’re such prized assets that are worth many tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Lots … Read more

Do Startups Need an Exact Brand Matching .com?

Coming up with a good name for a startup is hard enough, but finding one with a matching .com domain is almost impossible. Especially if you’re bootstrapping and living on ramen noodles already. So should you restrict your brand’s name to something where the .com can be acquired? Should you spend your limited resources to … Read more